Clubs that offer classes for beginning Square Dancers, Line Dancers, Cloggers, and Round Dancers
Square Dancing
Beausejour Swinging Squares
Edward Schreyer School, Beausejour; Plus: 7:00 & 9 P.M. Thursday
Caller: Ernie Hollender (204) 261-0535 Contact: Joe Mulla; 268-2574
Brandon Circle 8’s
Central Community Centre, Brandon
Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Except 3rd Tues. of each month
Caller: TBA Contact: Danny & Elaine Bryan, 204-761-8857,
Classic Squares
Holy Eucharist Parish Hall, 460 Munroe Avenue
Tuesdays; Mainstream: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Fred & Lorraine Barnett 204-510-2505
Crazy 8s
Intro to A, DBD and all position
Monday 12:30 to 2:30, with Rounds at 12.
Grace Lutheran Church at 211 Kimberley
Warren Loewen 431 277 9634
Diamond Squares
Wednesday, Ft Garry United, 800 Point Rd
Plus DBD and intro to A1
Fred and Lorraine Barnett at 204-510-2505 or email at
Brian and Audrae Lewis at 204-599-4212 or email at
Grand Squares
St Mary Magdalene Anglican Church
3 St Vital Road
Basic- MS-Plus. Monday: 7:00 – 9:00
Caller is Ernie Hollender (204)261-0535
Contact::Patty & Bob Miller, 204-295-2278
Portage Pairs & Squares
Herman Prior Centre, 40 Royal Road North
Basic/MS/Int Plus) Thursday 7:00 – 9:00
Caller: Warren Loewen 431 277 9634
Contact: John & Heather Lea, (204) 385-3838,
Paws & Taws
Grace Lutheran Church
211 Kimberly Ave Thursday 7 – 9:30 pm.
(First 3 dances free for new dancers only)
Caller: Brian Lewis (204) 256-2234
Contact: Lois Saunderson at 204-229-6504 or Beth Kubik 204-256-9942
St. Vital Swingers
Sterling Mennonite Fellowship Church
1008 Dakota Street.
Tuesday 12:45 – 1 PM Ph.ll Rd. Dance Plus;1:00 – 3:00 PM
Caller: Ernie Hollender (204) 261-0535
Contact: Pam Hart;
Henrietta Anderson
Whirlaway Westerners
Kirkfield-Westwood Community Centre
165 Sansome Ave.(St James)
Beginners 7:00 PM Friday
Caller: Trevor Grier (204) 831-8954 Contact: Charles Cameron, 204-888-1448,
Round Dancing
Q’d Rhythms
Monday – Bourkevale Community Center (100 Ferry Road) – Phase IV-V – 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Bourkevale Community Center (100 Ferry Road) –Phase II-IV – 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Thursday – Bourkevale Community Center (100 Ferry Road) –12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Figures II, III-V
Cuer: – Sandi Dion Contact: Jerry & Sandi Dion (204) 284-4269
Line Dancing
Country Kickers Line Dance Group
St Frances Anglican Church 253 Burrin Ave
Line Dancing Thurs 1:00 to 3:00
Leader & Contact: Lorraine Pearson 338-3292